Plants Toxic To Horses

Plants Toxic to Horses

Plants Toxic to Horses from The Spruce Pets

If you have horses and a garden, you'll have to be careful that you do not have certain plants on your property. These common weeds, trees, plants, and shrubs, shown below, are toxic to horses and ponies. Learn to identify these plants in your pastures and yards and be sure to remove them as soon as possible to keep your horses safe.

  1. Deadly Nightshade

  2. Buttercups

  3. Bracken Fern

  4. Horse Tails

  5. Lamb's Quarters (or Pigweed)

  6. Lily of the Valley

  7. Milkweed

  8. Pigweed

  9. Red Maple

  10. Red Oak

  11. St. John's Wort

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