Sonoma CART Volunteer Training Requirements
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Learn more about Sonoma CART's Volunteer Training Opportunities.
View California Drivers License Requirements for towing a horse trailer here.
Learn What Horse Owners Can Do To Monitor Horses Evacuated from Fire Areas
by Drs. Gary Magdesian and Joie Watson
*** During A Disaster ***
If you need assistance with your livestock during a disaster, please contact:
Sonoma County Animal Services
Phone: (707) 565-7103, 8am-5:30pm
After Hours Sheriff Dispatch: (707) 565-2121
Sonoma CART: (707) 861-0699
When the Sonoma County Fairgrounds is an
active evacuation center for large animals:
Horses and livestock animals should be brought into the Fairgrounds through Gate 7 off of Aston Ave. Face coverings and social distancing are required.
If you need assistance evacuating your animals, please call the following:
8am-5:30pm-- Animal Services: 707-565-7103
After Hours-- Sheriff's Dispatch: 707-565-2121
Sonoma CART Hotline 707-861-0699
Download, complete and bring with you:
Make sure animals have halters, lead ropes and water buckets.
Make sure animals are identified. If your animal does not have their name on its halter, put duct tape on it with its name and your phone number or write your phone number on the animal.
If you have time, please load some feed on your trailers. While you may have feed delivered to the Fairgrounds, its delivery can be delayed if roads and highways are closed.
Pack general first aid supplies, such as antiseptic ointments and bandaging materials.
When your animals arrive at the facility, the driver of each vehicle hauling will be required to fill out an Emergency Evacuation Information package and Animal Care Check List form for each animal. In order to save valuable time we recommend you print these forms and fill in your information before your animals are evacuated. These forms include a map of the Fairgrounds.
Staff and volunteers will do their best to get the trailers into the barn areas quickly and get the animals unloaded and into stalls. Passenger vehicles may be diverted to park other areas. This will be done to facilitate the sheltering of your animals so trailers and vans may leave as quickly as possible to pick up more animals.
**Sonoma CART is in need of volunteers to assist large animal sheltering**
Sign-up online at
If you are already a Sonoma CART Volunteer, please check in via email
Shifts are available to sign-up via the BetterImpact site.
**Required: 5 years of large animal experience
Residents Encouraged to Prepare Properties for Wildfire Season
The City of Santa Rosa Fire Department and the Sonoma County Fire Prevention Officers Association are asking residents to begin taking steps to prepare properties and update household emergency plans ahead of wildfire season. Proactive measures taken now while there is more time at home during the public health emergency could go a long way to protect citizens and properties for the next several months during the height of a potentially hot and dry season. Learn more
For additional tips on wildfire preparedness for property owners in Sonoma County, view Fire Safe Sonoma’s Ready, Set, Go booklet.
Are You & Your Horse Ready for Emergency Evacuation?, The Horse, UCD Vet Medicine
Complete Your Emergency Planning Workbook, Courtesy of
Fire Safety in Horse Stables, PennState Exetension
Flooding & Equine Owners, UCWIFSS
Making your Horse Barn Fire Safe, Humane Society
When Disaster Strikes, What Will You Do?, includes videos, UCD Vet Medicine
Wildfire Preparedness for Horse Owners, CSU Extension, 3/2014
Livestock & Dairy
Developing a Wildfire Plan for Livestock, UCCE Sonoma
Disaster Planning for Livestock, Univ of Vermont
Flooding & Livestock Owners, UCD WIFSS
Ranch Emergency Checklist & Emergency Kit, UCD WIFSS
Wildfires, Smoke and Livestock, UCD Vet Medicine, 2008
Pets & Livestock
Preparing Pets for Emergency, UCD WIFSS
Saving the Whole Family, American Vet Medical Asso
Preparedness, Training & Recovery
UCD WIFSS Disaster Preparedness: serving the global community by conducting research, developing training, and providing outreach programs that will enhance the health and security of people, animals, and the environment, Western Institute for Food Safety & Security (WIFSS), a program of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
HALTER Horse & Livestock Team Emergency Response
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
announced that wildfire survivors are now able to register for federal financial assistance.
Grants will help eligible applicants with rent, home repair, home replacement & other disaster-related needs.