San Bernardino County - Equine Herpesvirus-1

November 6, 2019:

A 13-year-old Quarter Horse mare in San Bernardino county
displaying neurologic signs and fever has been confirmed positive for Equine
Herpesvirus-1. The mare was euthanized due to severity of symptoms on
October 29, 2019 and was confirmed positive on necropsy on November 5, 2019.

Twenty (20) exposed horses on the home premise have been quarantined with
enhanced biosecurity measures including twice daily temperature monitoring.
Any horse displaying clinical signs or a temperature over 101.5F shall be
reported to the veterinarian for evaluation and potential nasal swab and
blood sampling. The positive horse has no epidemiological links to any other
EHV-1 cases in California and there has been no recent movement off of the
property. CDFA will continue to monitor the situation.

If you would like more information, please feel free to visit our CDFA
Equine Herpesvirus-1 website at