Horse Health

NEW: EHV-1 Quarantine in Santa Clara County

NEW: EHV-1 Quarantine in Santa Clara County

March 24, 2021: A 21-year-old Quarter Horse mare from Santa Clara County displaying neurological signs was confirmed positive for Equine Herpesvirus-1 on March 23rd. The horse is alive and is being treated in isolation at a veterinary hospital. The home premises has been quarantined with enhanced biosecurity measures in place and twice daily temperature monitoring. The clinical horse has no recent travel history and no links to any other EHV-1 cases. The home premises hosted an event on March 21st, and one asymptomatic horse from the home premise competed in an event from March 19th – 21st.  Event managers have been notified, and are encouraging all owners of potentially exposed horses to perform twice daily temperature monitoring, limit movement, and practice enhanced biosecurity measures for the next 14 days. CDFA will be onsite and continue to actively monitor exposed horses.

Equine Herpesvirus- Neurologic (EHM) confirmed in Sonoma County

Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) Updates:


NEW: EHV-1 Quarantine in Sonoma County

March 22, 2021:
No additional cases to report. CDFA continues to monitor the situation closely.

March 16, 2021: A 21-year-old Warmblood mare from Sonoma County displaying neurological signs was confirmed positive for Equine Herpesvirus-1 (neuropathogenic strain) on March 15th; the horse is alive and is being treated in isolation at a veterinary hospital. Horses on the home premises have been quarantined with enhanced biosecurity measures and twice daily temperature monitoring. There is no known risk of exposure out of this facility to any local events. The clinical horse has no recent travel history and no links to any other EHV-1 cases. CDFA will continue to actively monitor exposed horses.

View Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy Fact Sheet

What Horse Owners Can Do To Monitor Horses Evacuated from Fire Areas

Horses exposed to fire smoke can suffer respiratory injury of varying degrees, ranging from mild irritation to severe smoke inhalation-induced airway or lung damage.

Knowing what is normal versus concerning can help to know whether your horse should be evaluated by a veterinarian.

Respiratory rate at rest should be 12-24 breaths/minute.

Horses should be examined by a veterinarian if any of the following are noted:

  • Respiratory rate is consistently greater than 30 breaths/minute at rest

  • Nostrils have obvious flaring

  • There is obvious increased effort of breathing when watching the horse’s abdomen and rib cage

  • There is repetitive or deep coughing, OR

  • Abnormal nasal discharge

Horses should also be monitored for skin and tissue injury, especially for the first few days after exposure.

View & download

Vesicular Stomatitis 2020 Updates

By: Emily Nietrzeba, DVM, MPH

Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is a viral infection that can affect horses, cattle, and pigs, and can also but rarely be seen in goats, sheep, and llamas. Disease manifestation of vesicular stomatitis is blister-like lesions commonly around the tongue, mouth, nose, and lips, but can also present around the coronary bands, udder, or sheath. Vesicular stomatitis is a reportable disease in most states, including California, not only because of rapid transmission but because clinical signs of this disease are identical to those caused by foot and mouth disease in cattle and swine, swine vesicular disease, and vesicular exanthema of swine.

VS transmission occurs via direct contact with sores of infected animals or vector-borne blood transmission. Known vectors for VS transmission include black flies, sand flies, and biting midges (Culicoides spp.), which have been implicated as the likely source of infection in most recent positive premises. Infected animals must be promptly isolated to reduce intra-herd transmission, and positive premises are quarantined for 14 days following the onset of lesions of the last affected animal. Biosecurity measures and vector mitigation efforts are frequently implemented on infected premises to reduce within-herd spread of the virus. No specific treatment for VS is indicated aside from supportive care, usually consisting of pain management and soft feeds in the presence of perioral lesions. 

The 2020 VS outbreak began on April 13, 2020, when the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa confirmed the first VS-positive premises in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Arizona, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma subsequently broke with VS cases which were confirmed by NVSL on April 22, 2020 (Cochise County, Arizona, April 23, 2020 (Starr County, Texas), June 16, 2020 (Butler County, Kansas), June 24, 2020 (Buffalo County, Nebraska), and July 7, 2020 (Washington County, Oklahoma).

As of July 7, 2020, 122 VS-affected premises have been identified (92 confirmed positive, 30 suspect). One hundred fifteen (115) of these premises had only equine species clinically affected and four premises had clinically affected cattle (McMullen, Starr, and Zapata Counties, Texas). Arizona has identified 19 affected premises (18 confirmed positive, one suspect) in seven counties (Apache, Cochise, Gila, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, and Santa Cruz Counties). Kansas has identified 74 affected premises (48 confirmed positive, 26 suspect) in seven counties (Butler, Cowley, Greenwood, Marion, Montgomery, Sedgwick, Sumner Counties). Nebraska has identified one affected premises in one county (Buffalo County). New Mexico has identified 16 affected premises (13 confirmed positive, three suspect) in six counties (Bernalillo, De Baca, Dona Ana, Eddy, Grant and Sierra Counties). Oklahoma has identified one affected premises (one confirmed positive) in one county (Washington County). Texas has identified 10 affected premises (10 confirmed positive, 0 suspect) in six counties (El Paso, Hudspeth, Kerr, McMullen, Starr, and Zapata Counties).

There have been a total of 68 previously VS-infected or suspect premises that have completed the quarantine period and been released. The last VS-quarantined premises was released in New Mexico on June 4, 2020 and in Texas on June 8, 2020. Fifty-four (54) premises remain under VS quarantine in Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.

Both VS-Indiana (VS-IN) and VS-New Jersey (VS-NJ) serotypes have been identified during the 2020 outbreak. VS-IN occurred in the U.S. in 2019, while VS-NJ was last isolated in the U.S. in the 2014-2015 outbreak. Both serotypes are known to circulate in endemic cycles in southern Mexico. The last U.S. outbreak involving both serotypes occurred in 1997-1998.

For import into California, all horses, cattle, sheep, goat and swine originating from any state where vesicular stomatitis has been diagnosed (except cattle and swine transported directly to slaughter) must be accompanied by a health certificate (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection) signed by an accredited veterinarian that includes the following statement:

“I have examined all the animals identified on this certificate within 7 days of shipment date and found them to be free from signs of Vesicular Stomatitis (VS). During the last fourteen (14) days, these animals have not been exposed to VS nor located on a VS confirmed or a VS suspected premises.”

West Nile Virus 2020 Updates

By: Emily Nietrzeba, DVM, MPH

The first 2020 case of equine West Nile Virus (WNV) in California has been confirmed in Amador County. A 20-year-old Quarter Horse gelding displaying acute severe neurological signs with unknown vaccination history was confirmed positive for WNV on June 26, 2020. The gelding is currently alive.

West Nile Virus is the leading cause of arthropod-borne encephalitis (brain inflammation) in horses and humans in the United States, with horses representing 96.9% of all non-human mammalian cases. The virus is present in all 48 continental states, Mexico, and Canada, and is transmitted from avian reservoir hosts to mammals by a variety of mosquito species.

It is important to remember that both humans and horses are considered dead-end hosts for WNV and the virus is not directly contagious from horse to horse or horse to human. WNV vaccination is considered a core vaccination by the American Association of Equine Practitioners and an essential standard of care for all horses in North America. 

This is an excellent opportunity to remind friends and colleagues of the importance of developing and adhering to a protective vaccination program with their veterinarian, and to discuss vector control measures at home and on farm. In addition to minimizing equine (and human) exposure to mosquitos during peak feeding periods of dawn and dusk and appropriate application of mosquito repellant, effective mosquito abatement recommendations include:

  • Draining unnecessary standing water found in wheelbarrows, tires, etc.

  • Cleaning water containers at least weekly (i.e., bird baths, plant saucers)

  • Scheduling pasture irrigation to minimize standing water

  • Keeping swimming pools optimally chlorinated and draining water from pool covers

  • Stocking of water tanks with fish that consume mosquito larvae (Contact local mosquito control for assistance) or use mosquito “dunk” available at hardware stores