Sonoma County Horse Council

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RE: COVID 19 and Horses by James T. Williams, DVM

James T. Williams, DVM

P.O. Box 2740

Novato, California 94948

(415) 897-3966


Dear Fellow Novato Horsemen,                                                           March 22, 2020


I have been asked if the coronavirus 19 (COVID 19) is contagious to horses and from horses to humans.  The short answer is no.  However it would be possible to get the coronavirus 19 from a horse if an infected human coughed some droplets onto a horses coat and an uninfected human then got those droplets on their hands to become infected.  This is the same method of spreading the coronavirus by an infected person coughing on a countertop and another person touches the countertop and then their nose and mouth transferring the virus.  If we all use common sense, something not too common, this scenario with a horse is unlikely but possible. 


Most if not all viruses are species specific.  Horses have their own Equine Coronavirus.  The symptoms are high fever, 104-105, loss of appetite, lethargy and diarrhea or soft stools.  It lasts 4 to 5 days and with supportive care, usually the recovery is uneventful.  However there have been deaths but rarely.  It is not contagious to humans and is spread from horse to horse thru exposure to infected feces.  I have treated a couple of cases and both horses recovered completely.


Be safe during these trying times and wash your hands.


Regards and Best Wishes,
